Add a splash of color to your projects and create art that inspires
Thursday October 10th 6-9pm
🔮The witches are back!🔮
Channel your inner Stevie Nicks, hop on your broom + follow the moon to WITCHES NIGHT OUT at trend + relic. Bring your best witch or boo to this annual + private after-hours event. We will have the following + MORE —
P R I V A T E E V E N T – you will need to purchase a ticket for entry. Tickets available here. A T I C K E T will get you in the door A N D entered in a giveaway , your own personal C H A R C U T E R I E, a special witchy P O T I O N drink, spooky S W A G , P H O T O B O O T H and a private S H O P P I N G event.
• G I V E A W A Y S — automatically entered with ticket purchase and a prize for our best witchy costume
• H E N N A – get a spooky design appointments with Jamie Kittens available here 🧹
• C U S T O M B L U S H + M A S K S by Chanla Chau Cosmetics using non-toxic, plant-based ingredients 🧹
• T A R O T R E A D I N G S with Hex Poetry Apothecary [book here— Last year these were so popular that we sold out, so be sure to secure your spot asap 🧹
• M O O D Y F R E S H F L O W E R S from Ella E Modern Vintage 🧹
• H A N D M A DE P U M P K I N F L O R A L A R R A N G E M E N T S from Goodlove Arts 🧹
A N D more to come … L I M I T E D amount of tickets being sold, purchase before they sell out
*Because gift items are purchased for exact head count there are no refunds if you cannot make the event, we apologize for the inconvenience*
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